Temperature & Humidity

EM300-TH LoRa®
Measuring temperature and humidity.
IP67 rated with NFC.
Up to 5 years battery life.

Universal gateway & Cloud app

The Tower
Access data and monitor your building from anywhere.
Tower supports integration of protocols such as: LoRa, M-BUS, KNX, LON IP, Modbus IP/RTU and BACnet IP.
Tower provides a powerful easy to configure Cloud console, monitoring conventional as well as emerging wireless devices via graphs, floor plans, scheduler, etc.

Universal gateway on-site

The Bridge
Collect data on-premises or through your private Cloud network.
Bridge supports integration of protocols such as: LoRa, M-BUS, KNX, LON IP, Modbus IP/RTU and BACnet IP.
Bridge supports ON-SITE mapping of incoming protocols to BACnet IP, Modbus IP & MQTT.
It makes integrations to conventional Building Management and SCADA Systems easy and intuitive.

Unlock Building Performance

Keeping control of you building is hard! But it does not have to be! With Bridge & Tower you gain the freedom to use the services you need!

Weather stations

WTS305/WTS50x LoRa®

Measuring outdoor temperature, humidity, windspeed, wind direction, barometric pressure and rainfall.

Zone leakage detection

EM300-ZLD LoRa®
Measuring temperature and humidity and zone leakage detecting presence of water or other liquids over larger areas.

IP67 rated with NFC.

Up to 5 years battery life.